Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Long time no see

Its been a while since i have been here to say anything but I figured I would share some of whats been going on..

kids are back in school. The princess has quit cheerleading and is running cross country again. She is soo good, i'm glad she made the switch. The boy has decided he wants to be a total fuckoff. I have a meeting w/his principal this week and his grades are in the shitter just because he doesn't feel like doing his work.

2 weeks ago, the honey got his dog back. this is absolutely remarkable and we are so completely happy. Honey is beyond ecstatic. She is now spayed and a bit hurty at the moment from the surgery. She had been gone almost 6 months. At month 4, we got a new puppy. Her name is Tessa and she is kind of a wild girl. Funny and sweet and just kinda crazy. Hardest dog to potty train EVER. She's still workin it 2 months later.

Work has been more than crazy. I haven't had a break in a while and I seriously need one. They are not hiring another new HD person because they want to hire this other guy who i am deeming "JA Jesus" because they are paying him outrageous amount of money (which is why they can't hire a new helpdesk person) and i think for that kind of money, he better be a fuckin Savior. Its quite sad really, cause no one wants this guy except the one w/the power to hire. Everyone else involved, including the person who is going to be this guys boss, doesn't want him. Oh well, sometimes you'll take what you get and you'll like it!

Because I am not getting a HD person, I am still doing helpdesk work. I shouldn't be, but I am. I did get my raise and promotion, but its conditional that they have another helpdesk person. So, now i get the privilege of doing both my new job and my old job. Its tons of fun. Also, for the last week and a half, the other helpdesk person has been out on medical leave. I have been running this one ring pony show all by myself. Holy crap am I just burnt out.

I am not currently listening to anything because my music got deleted at work. I am hopefully getting it back today. Emmy Rossum is good, I am diggin on Amy Winehouse as well. Couple other new people too, just can't remember off the top of my head.

Speaking of off the top of my head.. i have a cold, my wisdom teeth are coming in and I have a chipped tooth. Its all kinds of physical fun for me. Today is physical therapy. Yes, I am still going. Since I started doing more "normal" activities, my neck has acted up again. I have another dr. appointment in Oct. and we will be re-evaluating the need for another rhizotomy. Joy, joy.. more needles in my neck. UGH!.. no other news on the accident front..just kinda plugging along plugging along. pain is returning to a more heightening level, i am not thrilled about that at all. I have actually started cutting back no doing most normal activities because it gets so irritated.

Thats all folks.. maybe i won't forget to write more often..