Friday, May 03, 2013

Things to do

Ok.. so many things have changed since I last posted. 2 kids have graduated high school, got jobs and started college. My sister and her family moved here. I have removed 2 crazy bitches from my life, both for the betterment of my sanity and health. I quit smoking, started smoking and now, quit smoking again. I have become addicted to Pinterest and hardly ever Facebook anymore. I cook more things from scratch and try to cut processed foods out of what I make. I also finally got the camera I've wanted for about 5 years now. It is beautiful and I am going to learn how to take awesome pictures if it kills me. Photoshop here I come!

My sister and my daughter are now blogging and since they asked me about it and I had to pull up mine (oh, i have a couple) and show them how to get stared, I figured I might as well give it a go since i have my camera and all the things I want to be doing. I would like to think that this can be a documentary of the things I attempt off Pinterest and my foray into photography. We shall see how all this goes.

I think the hardest part for me is that I am not a picture taker. Never have been. I need to learn to carry my camera everywhere i go. Here is one of the pictures from our May. We got a great snow on May 1 and it was mostly melted on May 2. I need spring to be here. I have so many outdoor things I want to go do with my new camera.

We also have acquired yet another dog. This makes 5 in the house. That is way too many. Unfortunately, our oldest chocolate lab, Mojo is going to have to be put to sleep soon. He is 14 years old and between the tumors and arthritis, he is just not himself anymore. I love the puppies but its a houseful!

I will post more pictures soon. And hopefully write more here too.