Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween!

Ok, so today, I got a flu shot. Thats perfect for the day, I think.

Work is busy, but that's alright. makes the day go by faster. I have stuff to do. Interviews for help tomorrow, pay day today, physical therapy today, kids have some sort of halloween bullshit going on tonight, I would like to do some in game stuff tonight, but will probably get stuck handing out candy, controlling the barking dogs, keeping the black cat inside. All things halloween. It is also 23 degrees out today. Man is it cold. Can't imagine that its going to get warmer as night falls.

I am however, ready to do stuff in game tonight. I am also ready for PT today. I am looking forward to it. Maybe not having the shots in my neck has helped me feel a bit better today.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Carly Simon said it best...

This morning, I shuffle up some Itunes and the first song that starts playing is "I haven't got time for the pain" This has been my life's theme song lately. Unfortunately, the pain isn't so much listening. The weekend, I was pissy and grouchy. I actually yelled at the kids this weekend, twice. I think it scared the honey and the kids. Mostly they scattered like ants, then came back in a while to crawl over my legs and bite me when i wasn't looking. The pain gets to me, alot. I find myself being more and more short-fused and less patient the longer the pain stays with me. We are on month 3. Full 3 months of nothing but everyday pain. I never thought that I would wish for my once a week migraines, but they would be a relief from what I experience every day since the accident.

I am not a holiday person. I don't care for them, I am not a party planner, I have no holiday decorations of any sort. I don't' dislike them, holidays that is, I just don't get all giggly, crafty and excited about them. It is a chore to buy the shit, set up the shit, find a place to store said shit for 11.5 months out of every year. I have enough clutter and crap around my house that I can't seem to get contained that I have absolutely zero use for pumpkins, Easter bunnies, stars and stripes, etc.

Now you may be wondering if I do the winter holidays. Well, simply put, no, I do not. I am agnostic, but my kids celebrate Christmas. I do not own a Christmas tree or stockings or tree decorations or house lights or anything of this nature. Under normal circumstances, I would give into a Christmas tree, if my kids so desired, however, I do not live under normal circumstances. The first of special circumstances is that in the 12 years I have been divorced, I have had my kids for 3 Christmases. The second of special circumstances is that on those 3 occasions, we have been at Grandmas' houses. Every other year, that's 9 of 'em for those counting, I have been on my own. My family doesn't do holidays since my brother died, so I usually am with friends or alone. How fun do you think it is to sit home by yourself on Christmas, missing your kids staring at a blinking Christmas tree? I did this the first year I was divorced and it ranks up there, I'm pretty sure, with sticks in your eyes. The kids don't miss out, we (me and kids) do gifts and fun when they return from vacation, we have a special day where we eat a holiday meal, open gifts, lounge around playing with all our new stuff, and even since moving to Colorado, we've got to enjoy skiing and playing in the snow. It just isn't on the actual Christmas day. And generally, on Christmas day, they are with cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, etc. Oh yeah, another added benefit for me, I get to generally shop the after Xmas sales for the kids stuff. If I find it before, awesome, but I generally wait. I miss a ton of crowds actually buying stuff, and don't have to return anything until the lines die down a week or so later. That is truly a beautiful thing about my holiday schedule.

Now, I digress to the purpose of that little rant. I found myself in a rush to locate a Halloween costume for the Boy. And then Halloween candy and decorations for some party he is attending, planning or something. Generally aggravating being beaten about the head and shoulders with the super-excited moms, pushing and shoving to get little johnny or janie the costume of this years dreams. Its just rude. Now, don't get me wrong, sometimes I envy you moms who have the heart and soul and energy to put into every tiniest detail for your little ones. And I did for costumes and whatnot when my kids were little ones and they trick or treated. But they are teenagers now. The "bunny" costume doesn't cut it. They generally want (need?) it to be the quality of a Hollywood horror film special effects costume. And I just don't have the energy for this. I also don't have the energy for this 3 days before the actual occasion. My kids are notorious (around my world anyway) for having an emergency need RFN. You can reference a few weeks ago when the Princess needed thermal pants the night before her cross country regionals, 15 mins before store closings. (If I knew how to link posts, I would)

In addition to the mad dash for costumes and candy and all calamity that came with that. I still cannot hardly move my neck, and constantly on some sort of muscle relaxer or pain med, tired from not sleeping well, and want to chop off my head to make it all stop. The boy also has some sort of rash on his stomach. The last time we took him in for a rash, they said it was some kind of allergy, and sent him home. Ugh.. but, you know how insurance works, you have to go to your primary care doctor, and force them to refer you to a dermatologist before you can actually do anything otherwise its not covered. Blah blah blah. I absolutely despise the bureaucracy of the US medical system. It's a crock. Nonetheless, must be done. I think the princess needs to have a new physical too. Hrm, must look into this.

Work is busy this week, hopefully some interviews for some help. I am busy building desktops and workin the phones, trying to stay on top of things. Coping with pain does not make doing one's job easier. The distraction is constant. I don't do a very good needy one.

Had a bit of fun in game this weekend. Still don't get to play much due to the inability to sit at my computer for long periods of time. Oh well, was fun while it lasted. Watched a couple movies with the Boy. The girl had plans and had to shuffle her around town for social life. She was not happy about me requiring her to clean and help around the house. She says she is working on her grades. Had lunch on Saturday with some friends. The honey actually helped them move some furniture, I didn't do anything but socialize and play with their baby. He's such a cutie pie.

Friday, October 27, 2006

winter is here...

{listening to A Night Like This by The Cure}

Yesterday, was a snow day. Not just any kind of snow day: a blizzard. The kids had off school, the honey and I both had off work. The snow and the wind blew from about 4am until about 7pm. We have more than a foot of snow on the back porch, with 3-5 foot drifts in the back yard. The kids played with the dogs in the snow. I really wanted to get out there and have a snowball fight or build a snowman, but my neck just didn't want that to happen. The kids dug out the snowboards and the sleds and played in the street. It was cold and wet and windy and most of all snowy. I worked from home most of the day doing email and what not, but it was a grand day. It was the Princess's first snow day ever so she was absolutely stoked. We cooked a warm breakfast, made some bread, made some hot cocoa from scratch, watched some movies, played some games. It was really a great family day.

I cancelled my PT appointment because they were recommending people stay off the roads during the blizzard. When I called around noon, no one answered the PT office phone, so I presume, like many other places, they were closed. I will call today to reschedule or at very least, set up my appointments for next week. I also need to call the pain specialist and get an appointment for there.

The honey drove me to work today, expecting the roads to be super icy. They weren't. They were pretty tame compared to what was on the news last night. I totally could have driven by myself. It truly was a good day yesterday, with the exception of my neck being stiff and on drugs and not being able to go out and romp in the snow with the kiddos. But alas, it was fun to watch, get a few pictures, laugh with the kids.

It was a good day. By Monday, the snow will be all gone. It will come again, but dang, was yesterday a beautiful, cold, snowy, winter day.

{listening to Nugget by Cake}

Wednesday, October 25, 2006


so yesterday i spent the morning throwing up in my office. my neck and head were hurting me so badly. A lady here in the office gratiously gave me some reiki, which tided me over until I got to the physical therapist. I got some soft tissue massage there. The therapist said holy crap was my left side tight. (DUH). I spent and hour at PT, and then had an hour and a half to kill before seeing the doctor. Drove to the doctor, put on some cranberries and enya and took a nap in the car for an hour and 15. Got into the dr. and fortunately didn't have to wait too long. Explained my situation and he referred me now to a pain specialist. I have to call them today and make an appointment. I have to keep up with the PT for my knee and neck and lower back, I have to get the soft tissue massages while i'm there. Criminey. I went home, loaded up on some pain and muscle meds and slept until 6, when I got a little something to eat, loaded up some more on pain and muscle meds and went back to bed. Small hello's and hugs from the kids and the honey. Except for the excruciating pain, uncontrollable vomiting, not a whole lot to yesterday.

In between grabbing something to eat, I managed to book the flights for baby sister and her kids to make it to arizona for Thanksgiving. Excellent. Will get to see all now.

So between friday and now, I had a birthday. It was uneventful to say the least. My mom and dad couldn't be bothered to call me, my brother and his girlfriend put a message on myspace for me, my kids and the honey remembered, the roommate remembered, middle sister called and remembered. That is the extent of it. somedays i really do feel isolated. My mom, whose birthday is the day before mine, told middle sister she forgot. how in the name of fuck, do you forget your kids birthday when it is the day after yours?!?! When I talked to my dad, he excused it by her being under alot of stress. There is a reason I have removed myself from them. They just don't get it.

More later, the day has started off with problems.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Chronic Pain

so, i haven't written anything in a few days. Let me tell you why. On friday, I had to leave work because my neck pain was so bad, causing such a horrible headache, that I had to go home and drug up and remove myself from it. This pretty much continued all weekend, spending more time in bed than not. Yesterday, my birthday, was more of the same and today, I am back to the inability to keep anything down, food, drink or otherwise. I totally see why people who live with severe pain want to end their lives. I understand. I am to the point of tears today with just pain. It frigging hurts and after a whole weekend of it, i just can't take it.

Welp, in the time I had to take a phone call, the vomiting started. My head is pounding, my neck flat out hurts. No amount of stretching or doing my exercises is relieving it. I have ice, no heat packs at work, unfortunately. I do have PT today, but unfortunately, I don't know if she is going to work me over like I need to be. I think i seriously need that knot just worked the hell out. I am going to try to call and get in the dr. maybe today. I also got another bill from the dr. Sheesh. medical bills are mounting. I truly cannot believe that my insurance told me it wasn't a very bad accident and I didn't get hurt too badly. WTF. that is ridiculous.

Ok.. thats all i have time to right between throwing up sessions. maybe tomorrow will be a better day. maybe today i will get into the dr.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

S.H.I.T - Sure Happy It's Thursday

Boy, i'm glad yesterday is over. Boy, i'll be glad when today is over. Boy, when tomorrow comes i will be thrilled for weekend.

The honey surprised me with an early birthday present. While not particularly romantic (he tries on occassion), it is absolutely perfect! 19" Flat Panel High Resolution monitor. My friend put it quite well when she said "its not an engagement ring, but its probably the computer geek equivalent" It was a total surprise (which i loathe and love at the same time). My game looks awesome, everything is so *crisp*. Crazy geeks. So that was a great ending to a psychotic day.

The grumpy pants boss from yesterday is in a much better mood. One thing i absolutely love about my job are my bosses. Yes, I pissed and moaned yesterday, but today first thing, I apologized. Why did I apologize? Well, what i said was "I apologize if I was a complete fuck up yesterday" His response was "Why do you think that" and I listed the instances where he jumped my shit for stupidness. Then he says "I'm sorry, you gotta tell me when i'm being a little bitch". End of story, but I love that my bosses can at least handle my directness. I'm sure its not the most PC of environments, but I don't get offended easily and I am not some mild-mannered female. I'm intelligent and funny, quick-witted and direct. Some can handle it, some can't. Fortunately, being the only girl in my department, the guys handle it. I think that comes from having proved myself more competent than other technical guys in the department, but I'm one of them, I can give and take and not piss and moan about hurt feelings. Again, its one thing I love about my job.

Today, the bosses aren't grumpy, but it seems to be that everyone has an emergency. An emergency on your part does not constitute one on mine, and I am but only human. Yes, superwoman somedays, but not today.

Physical Therapy today. My neck is doing alright. I have the "catch" back where if i hold my head in a position for too long, or turn it to one side, it gets stuck. Much like a charlie horse, just in my neck. Its all kinds of fun, really. But, I opted out of the shots yesterday cause i just couldn't handle not feeling well for another 3 days. But today, I'm mostly looking forward to the PT.

Princess is off to Durango for regionals. My last words to her were "i love you, run fast, princess" I'm sure she will do well. Last night was a scramble to get her the thermal pants she needed to run in snow/cold. This was 20 min before store closing. Then dinner, then she needed cash, then by 10pm, I was trying to get to sleep. She still hadn't packed, had to be at school to catch the bus at 6:45. Princess is not a morning princess.

Haven't heard from the Boy today. He must be busy doing something. 2 more days of vacation. He seems to have had fun, despite the disappointment over his dad not coming. Hopefully he's doing something fun today.

Game is progressing now that the guild situation has figured itself out. I am just waiting. Excited to be a part of a guild that is welcoming and fun and actually does stuff.

Its a good day. good reasons to smile and be happy. But damn, the weekend can't come fast enough.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Does it end?

I realize that i should probably use my blog for some kind of profundity about life and politics and society and etc, as these are things that I discuss all the time, but alas, I use it for a rant of my boring, whining, surburan life. Sad really. I have plenty to talk about with my friends. Somehow, it just doesnt' come to me as a topic when i am sitting here. With that being said, onto my rant about my life and days for today.

Today, it started out great. I felt good when I woke up. PT seemed to do me some good yesterday. The headache was gone. The snow had stopped falling and the roads weren't nearly as icy as I dreaded. It was a beautiful morning looking at the snow covered mountains just peaking through the clouds and a spot of dawn illuminating them. I got to work, started my morning check of systems, got some coffee. Boss called and offered to bring me some breakfast. The phones were quiet. All was happy in my morning solitude. Until....

The VPN server was broke, internet and server connectivity was spotty and I did my best to resolve these issues, yet there was something lurking behind the scenes (I'm not the server person here) that prevented me from actually fixing the problem. The boss that got breakfast came in upset, implying I didn't do my job (did I mention, I'm not the server/network person here?). People are now calling and ranting and raving that shit is down. Yeah.. yeah, network/server people are workin the malfunction. Then he comes in to imply that I just didn't do my job again. WTF mang. I do my job, i do the job of 2 people, in fact. I just don't do the network/server guys jobs. I realize I am superwoman, but fuckin A sometimes, a bitch needs to breathe. Then, the HP repair guy was out here to replace a system board in a laptop for the 3rd time in 3 weeks (same laptop) and when the HP guy leaves, same boss comes in and asks if I made sure it was working this time. Holy mother of christ, get off my fuckin back today. I do my job. I do my job well. The fact that HP sends shit ass re-manufactured parts is now my problem.

I also spent 2 hrs downloading NIC driver after NIC driver for the model of desktop that I am rebuilding and none of them work. Logged onto HP chat to see if they could give me a working NIC driver for this model and they say i gotta pay em money cause this desktop is outta warranty and if I didn't wanna pay the money, I could use their self-help pages. NO SHIT?! I guess Rapesh S (this was HP US chat support). musta missed the part in the chat where I said I downloaded all of their nic drivers for this model of desktop and they all failed to work. I finally ended up finding some variation to my model of desktop and installing the driver and it worked. What worthless piece of shit service. I would so totally be fired if I gave that kind of service to people. Yet, apparently, I don't do my job today.

Also got another email from grumpy boss that implied that I somehow fucked up yesterday when a lady fubar'd changing her password through VPN and isnt' connected to the domain on her laptop and isn't going to be in the office to connect to the domain for another 2 months. Yessir, I fat-fingered that password for her.

The good news is that I got free lunch again today and cheesecake. Cause my ass needed cheesecake, but oh well, it was one slice and it was yummy. The other small bit of good news is that my guild shit/drama is about wrapped up in game and I can soon go about getting on with actually playing the game.

Princess won't be home till late as she is going to root on the JV XC team for their regionals, then she leaves tomorrow for Durango for the Varsity Regionals. I know she will do well. She is the only freshman on varsity, and can run like the wind.

The Boy is home doing something. I think. He might have gone over to his friends house this morning. I really didn't hear much from him after he asked.. interesting. I have to call to follow up on that. In the meantime, back to the grind, gotta keep the grumpy pants at bay for another hour and a half. Now.. don't get me wrong. I love the bosses and I love my job. They are great most of the time and great bosses. Today, they just pissed on my parade cause I was feeling good about driving on the ice, neck and knee weren't killing me. Oh well. It does indeed end at 3:00pm today. When i go home and veg.

*sigh* as we speak, another crack by the grumpy boss. Oh well. Tomorrow is another day that they can jump on my case. I will not be broken. I will dish them some heavy PMS instead.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006


thats how i feel. absolutely craptacular. Went and got the shots in my neck. this helps, in that it helps the muscles stop spasming, however, the short term is a migraine, unbelievable pain and the inability to move my head hardly at all. So, i went home, ate, took some valium, tried to go to bed. Had to take the princess over to her friends house for a sleep over, come back, tripped over the dog, strained my neck trying to not fall on my knee, brought myself to tears. 2 valium and I didn't sleep at all. So here I am at work, ice on my neck and head, dying. I have so much work to do today, and i feel like a humongous pile of turd. I have a 2 hr meeting today, at least its a fun one. I just don't feel good. I would love to nap through it, but thats not going to happen. Maybe before. I am at 1 valium and 1 naproxen while at work. I cannot cope with this pain today. Oh yeah, did i mention i get the pleasure of going to Physical Therapy after work today? I am hoping that she will massage the hell out of me and let me skip the exercises. I hurt.

Monday, October 16, 2006

calling all mondays

Mondays, as i'm sure its been said before, need to go away. They generally suck. Today is actually a beautiful day outside, sunshine, slight breeze, not hot, not cold. Work is fairly slow, not too much going on, but a lot to do. So why the monday morning blues? Well, lets see....

I get shots in my neck. I have felt horrible all weekend, rendered useless most of saturday and sunday. I have more work than I want to think about to do at work. I need to do laundry and clean the bedroom, not to mention the house. The kids have this last week off for vacation. I wish I did. I am still not feeling well. Still need a vacation. Booked my Thanksgiving airline tickets. saw a movie i didn't want to see, while not feeling well

my neck is still hurting, alot. knee is still feeling alright with twinges of pain. day is almost over. hooray. go home and nap.

Friday, October 13, 2006


you just dont' want to crawl out of bed. I love my job, but i think i need a day off, soonish. Too bad i'm all out of vacation, or will be once i take all my holiday time off. I spose soon enough it will be thanksgiving and I will have a whole week off. In the meantime, I am busy.

Princess made varsity again, on XC. Its a fluctuating thing, she has to keep her times down. However, she did qualify for regionals and she gets to go to durango now. Which is what she was really striving for this season. She wants to see all her friends. Can't say that I blame her. I hope she gets to see them, even for a couple minutes.

The Boy was sacked out by like 6pm last night. I think he rode his ass off yesterday when he went on his little bike ride. Good for him, but still totally unlike him to just be asleep, and he was out.

I also think part the reason he sacked out was pure upsettedness. He got a voicemail from john advising that he (Ex) wasn't going to stop on his move to san diego. Then Princess said she actually talked to him and he said it was shorter to go through albuquerque. What an ass. Thats all i have to say. He has no idea how much his stupid little bullshit voicemail and phone call broke the kids hearts. Will they ever tell him that? hell no. Will he ever get a clue that he hurts them? probably not. God damn, that stupid shit pisses me off. No sense in getting into it with him though. he can't see other people's reasoning, especially not while he has his little potwhore. oh well *sigh*. maybe around 40ish he will grow up. By then his kids won't give a shit and they will be almost in college. maybe they will want to hang out and smoke pot with their dad. cripes, is that the best that they will want to do? i hope not. I hope he has pulled his head out before then.

PT yesterday was painful to say the least. I actually love the exercises and i know that they are what will help me get better, but damn, am i hurting after. mostly my neck though. I actually notice improvement with my knee and lower back. I am incurring a small fortune in co-pays. sheesh. You don't realize what 8 weeks times 2 session per week @ $25 per session is really nicking you for. And... thats not all of it. I have at LEAST another 6 weeks of it. Man, I wish I coulda saved that much. I would definately be able to afford my family vacation this summer.. ha!, we'll see. I will know around thanksgiving if traveling is even an option, at least now.

Hitting the library book sale this weekend. I love those. Also plan on doing some gaming tonight and tomorrow. I still am rather stressed out about the whole guild shit, but oh well, it will do what needs to be done. I just don't have the time or energy to put into it. Already I am stressed far too much over a stupid game.

{listening to 10538 Overture by ELO}

Thursday, October 12, 2006


{Listening to: #34 by Dave Matthews Band}

I am tired. I am in pain. did i mention tired?
Ok, paused to get coffee.. yumm. today is a chilly, foggy day. I haven't watched the news to find out if its going to rain or snow or ice . Princess and I cleaned the house during the week. Not fun by any means, but the house is mostly clean. I think i might try carpets. I also might see about getting the damn tile laid out in the downstairs shower. Maybe i can start that. It needs to be done before the other shower falls apart. heh. Things you worry about when you buy a fixer upper. I love our house. I am tired of it bein white trash. I wish Honey would do more, but i can't seem to coax it out of him. Now that he has a job, maybe we can save for it.

Speaking of saving. I advised Honey that i would like to take a family vacation, on an airplane, staying in a hotel or rented condo next summer. I am hoping to get passports in the works too. but need to figure out what we are doing

Honey cracks me up. He bought himself a Nintendo DS today. Why? well, because he wanted something as "yipee i got a job" and because it will transfer games from the Nintendo WI. This made me laugh because the Wi isn't even out yet. You can't even pre-order it. Then he asked what i wanted for my b-day. Honestly, I don't know. The bathroom finished? help consistently cleaning the house? not to be in pain? no debt? plane tickets to AZ for thanksgiving?
Princess has a meet today. I hope she does well. She is still running varsity. I am proud of her and know that she is just kickin ass and takin names for a freshman. Found out that one of her XC teammates lives right by us. That is cool. Hardly any of them do. Her punishment for the grades is wearing off. I am letting her off with a week, and then once school starts she will be on limited computer time until her grades come up. No sense in dragging it out during the whole break, not going to help her at all.

The Boy's last football game was yesterday. He opted to ditch it. I can kinda understand why, he hasn't been played even in practice for the last couple weeks because of his tailbone, and in a 13 yr old mind, standing there is just a waste of time. There are people to chat it up with, things to do, etc. Still a bit pissed he gave up before the season was over, but oh well. He says he wants to run track. I hope he does. He's not the best athlete, but he tries and he's lost weight. I think he might do alright if he stuck with it. He just quits when he isn't the best. Now, his best friend is the best, the tallest,the most athletic, so i know its hard for christopher to not make a team or whatever. I hope he keeps tryin.

Ex was supposed to be here this weekend. Surprising (NOT!) that I haven't heard word one about whether he is stopping by to say hello for 10 mins to his kids. Stupid shit like that just annoys me. I think he will be surprised when i can't afford plane tickets for christmas. He needs to figure that out. I have paid or arranged payment for both kids on every holiday in the last like 3 yrs. He wants to see them, he can pay for it. Most of that has been me, willing to do whatever it takes to see Princess. Now, i love having them both with me, could care less really if they aren't with me for the holiday, and if he wants them, he needs to figure it out. And pay for it. I would consider helping him if he EVER followed through on a promise to help me out, but he hasn't, so i just don't give a shit. He can figure it out, see how it feels, work around my schedule. But that isn't even a consideration yet. He has to first talk to me about it. The last conversation was somewhat heated because i didn't give in to his every whim and volunteer to drop all my plans for what he wanted or volunteer to pay for it. We'll see how this pans out. The holidays aren't quite here yet.
{listening to Yaleo by Santana}
PS. I love the random shuffle on ITunes.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


God, today is slow dragging day. The snow is gone, for now. I don't feel well after PT yesterday. I am going to have to discuss w/her some of the exercises. They actually make me feel worse. blah.

I am supposed to get the shots in my neck today, but i think i might pass. I need to get my PT recepts copied and over to the attorney. When do i have time for all this? criminey.

my neck is hardly moving today, migraine because of it. feel mostly like i want to throw up, but i also ate donuts so that could be part of it. heh.. i love donut holes from Dunkin Donuts.

Game is moderately stressful at the moment. I am not a guild leader, by default, not choice. Have some good people who are willing to help, but i just don't have time to put the effort into building this all up. I just wanna run instances.. sheesh already.. oh well..maybe when i log in i'll think of something. I just didn't want the responsibility. Too much RL going on right now, with work, therapy, kids, pain...holy moly.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Sometimes It Rains

Sometimes, it snows. sometimes it does both. Cold days here, snow expected, but mostly just a cold and drizzly rain.

Have PT today, no shot until tomorrow, which i'm glad. they hurt. PT will hopefully feel good today.

The kids are on break, work has calmed down. Logistical problems getting them to practice and such while on break, but i spose we'll work it out.

The car rides and handles nice on slick roads, this i am grateful for. Still a bit nervous for the ice driving, but we'll see soon enough.

Thursday, October 05, 2006


yesterday was the second set of shots in my neck for helping to alleviate the whiplash induced, golf ball sized knot in my neck. If i haven't mentioned it the first time I got the shots, this fucking hurts. it really really really does not feel good. Today i am sore, have a pounding headache, my shoulder hurts and i get the pleasure of going to PT. Hooray me.

Fortunately, work is moderately calming down. I have had a minute to breathe, but i am not catching up on all the things that i haven't been able to while the chaos has been swirling.

My baby sister is also trying to get out of her abusive marriage. His parents have told her she isn't allowed to leave the state. Not sure how they propose to do that. She isn't like 12. She's 22.. with 3 kids, and her husband (their son) beats her up. She is also suffering from depression, which runs in my family, and her trash of a husband tells her she needs to suck it up and get over it. Uh..right. Thats how it works. Thats how it worked for my brother who was manic and committed suicide 3 weeks after being released from a mental hospital. Thats how it works for my manic mom who was committed for 2 weeks a year or so ago. Thats how it works for my sister who struggles every day with depression. Yeah.. easy enough, suck it up. I hate people's ignorance of mental illness. Absolutely despise it. I wish there were more I could do for my sister, however, I do not have $ to help her, and I don't really have space to keep her and 3 small kids in my house. I would do it, will do it, if it comes to that. She definately needs out.