Boy, i'm glad yesterday is over. Boy, i'll be glad when today is over. Boy, when tomorrow comes i will be thrilled for weekend.
The honey surprised me with an early birthday present. While not particularly romantic (he tries on occassion), it is absolutely perfect! 19" Flat Panel High Resolution monitor. My friend put it quite well when she said "its not an engagement ring, but its probably the computer geek equivalent" It was a total surprise (which i loathe and love at the same time). My game looks awesome, everything is so *crisp*. Crazy geeks. So that was a great ending to a psychotic day.
The grumpy pants boss from yesterday is in a much better mood. One thing i absolutely love about my job are my bosses. Yes, I pissed and moaned yesterday, but today first thing, I apologized. Why did I apologize? Well, what i said was "I apologize if I was a complete fuck up yesterday" His response was "Why do you think that" and I listed the instances where he jumped my shit for stupidness. Then he says "I'm sorry, you gotta tell me when i'm being a little bitch". End of story, but I love that my bosses can at least handle my directness. I'm sure its not the most PC of environments, but I don't get offended easily and I am not some mild-mannered female. I'm intelligent and funny, quick-witted and direct. Some can handle it, some can't. Fortunately, being the only girl in my department, the guys handle it. I think that comes from having proved myself more competent than other technical guys in the department, but I'm one of them, I can give and take and not piss and moan about hurt feelings. Again, its one thing I love about my job.
Today, the bosses aren't grumpy, but it seems to be that everyone has an emergency. An emergency on your part does not constitute one on mine, and I am but only human. Yes, superwoman somedays, but not today.
Physical Therapy today. My neck is doing alright. I have the "catch" back where if i hold my head in a position for too long, or turn it to one side, it gets stuck. Much like a charlie horse, just in my neck. Its all kinds of fun, really. But, I opted out of the shots yesterday cause i just couldn't handle not feeling well for another 3 days. But today, I'm mostly looking forward to the PT.
Princess is off to Durango for regionals. My last words to her were "i love you, run fast, princess" I'm sure she will do well. Last night was a scramble to get her the thermal pants she needed to run in snow/cold. This was 20 min before store closing. Then dinner, then she needed cash, then by 10pm, I was trying to get to sleep. She still hadn't packed, had to be at school to catch the bus at 6:45. Princess is not a morning princess.
Haven't heard from the Boy today. He must be busy doing something. 2 more days of vacation. He seems to have had fun, despite the disappointment over his dad not coming. Hopefully he's doing something fun today.
Game is progressing now that the guild situation has figured itself out. I am just waiting. Excited to be a part of a guild that is welcoming and fun and actually does stuff.
Its a good day. good reasons to smile and be happy. But damn, the weekend can't come fast enough.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
S.H.I.T - Sure Happy It's Thursday
Posted by E! at 12:23 PM
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