Thursday, October 05, 2006


yesterday was the second set of shots in my neck for helping to alleviate the whiplash induced, golf ball sized knot in my neck. If i haven't mentioned it the first time I got the shots, this fucking hurts. it really really really does not feel good. Today i am sore, have a pounding headache, my shoulder hurts and i get the pleasure of going to PT. Hooray me.

Fortunately, work is moderately calming down. I have had a minute to breathe, but i am not catching up on all the things that i haven't been able to while the chaos has been swirling.

My baby sister is also trying to get out of her abusive marriage. His parents have told her she isn't allowed to leave the state. Not sure how they propose to do that. She isn't like 12. She's 22.. with 3 kids, and her husband (their son) beats her up. She is also suffering from depression, which runs in my family, and her trash of a husband tells her she needs to suck it up and get over it. Uh..right. Thats how it works. Thats how it worked for my brother who was manic and committed suicide 3 weeks after being released from a mental hospital. Thats how it works for my manic mom who was committed for 2 weeks a year or so ago. Thats how it works for my sister who struggles every day with depression. Yeah.. easy enough, suck it up. I hate people's ignorance of mental illness. Absolutely despise it. I wish there were more I could do for my sister, however, I do not have $ to help her, and I don't really have space to keep her and 3 small kids in my house. I would do it, will do it, if it comes to that. She definately needs out.