Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Whats up Chuck?

Well.. we are into week 3 of searching for our other dog. My sister-in-law sent the Honey a picture of them (honey & puppy) together. I broke into tears. I kinda thought that was a rude thing to do, but also know that no ill will was meant. I am just so sad to have lost her. Today we go down to the Humane Society to look at one that MIGHT be her. I am a little scared cause the puppy in the picture had blood on her tail and doesn't look really healthy. I guess I can't expect her to be the tip top of shape after 3 weeks on the lamb.

My nephew's graduation present arrived this week. We got it all set up and ready to take with us on Friday. Man, we are very excited about all of that. We are leaving EARLY friday morning. The princess and I have been shopping to find good outfits. She raped me for $50 at Hollister.

I have decided that I seriously want to be down a couple sizes by my brothers wedding on Labor day. This will be my goal. I am seriously looking into weight watchers and all that. I think that if I lost some weight I would seriously feel better.

On that same note. PT has finally let me go down to once a week!!!!.. hooray but I am also a bit sad. I enjoyed my time there and now I am forced to make time at home. I just don't know how much i can do like that. Discipline will become my new forte, I suppose.

The boy is leaving on the 26 to go to his dad. I am a bit nervous that he made a one-way ticket, but alas, not my deal. I'm sure he'll come home. The princess doesn't leave until sometime after Cheer camp. They have both been busy with school and getting ready for finals.

Work has been busy. I have been doing some training and the new software launch has just caused havoc in my work world. Can't I just go back to normal problems? I really hate that there is very little that I can actually fix if they call with problems. I am a problem router and I don't necessarily like that. But, oh well. Its still making my world a bit rougher.

I picked up the Killers & Gwen Stefani albums this week. Loving them.

{Listening to Digging your Own Hole by Chemical Brothers}