Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Runnin' to slow down

Ever have those days where you feel so busy, but dont' feel like anything was accomplished? That was my weekend. The honey was home from his business trip, but I didn't hardly see him. We ended up not having our date because, I kinda forgot and planned dinner w/the whole family.

So on friday, I ran the kids around until about 8:00, got busy w/the honey before picking up the kids at 9:30, got home around 10. Saturday, got up at 8, picked up princess from her friends house at 12, came home, worked on honey's taxes, went to the mall w/the princess to try to get haircuts, ended up rescheduling for Sunday, went to dinner (the non-date w/the whole family), got horrible service, rushed through dinner cause the princess was cramping and needed to get home. Got home and its 7:30 already. I was exhausted. On sunday, i got up at 4am cause the dogs woke me up, got a couple hours to flood the kitchen with coffee, play my game, read my book, everyone was awake by 8, at 10, the princess and I left for haircuts, went shopping while we waited for our appointment, got some coffee (cause i flooded the kitchen w/the coffee and didn't get any). Got hair cut, got home at 1:30 in time to take the boy to a 1:50 movie. Blades of Glory. Holy shit is it funny. The theatre was crowded and we were pressed for time. Got a hot dog to eat and dripped ketchup all over my shirt. Got out, got home, got dinner in the oven and finally took my shoes off. It was 5. Ate dinner and went to the store with the kids. Got home, got groceries put away, looked at the clock: it was 8. Went to bed.

I hate being so rushed that I got absolutely nothing done. In the whole weekend it feels like I didn't do anything but run around, I didn't see the honey, I hung out with the kiddos, which is fine, but I just feel like I did everything, yet nothing.

Work is kinda busy, still preparing for the huge event. I will be done today, hopefully. At least now I am waiting on other people. I guess thats good. I don't like it, but at least my shit is all together and ready to go.

The boy went from an A in math at semester to an F. Now he's grounded. Holy shit, does everyone have this kind of just plain screwing off w/their teenagers? I just don't know what I can do different. I help them, I ask them every day if they have homework, if they do, do they need help. I just don't know how to impress upon them that they need to do good in school. It is causing me great stress.

I also start back to PT today. I am excited about it. Though I am almost wishing that all of this was about over. I am tired of having medical problems and going to drs, being poked and prodded and racking up enormous medical bills that I fear are not going to be paid. Add that to my list of stresses. I really freak out that I am going to be held liable for all these expenses. Just one of my neck surgery's was 3500. Which isn't that bad, but I wouldn't have needed it. I also have over 2000 in just PT co-pays. Sheesh. Which, reminds me. I need to schedule some Dr. appts. I really need life to just let me breathe for a minute. Just a quick, deep breath. Let me relax.

{Listening to Under the Radar by Underworld}