Friday, April 27, 2007

10 days have passed

I just haven't really been able to post. I should try to find the time, but after I leave work, I just don't have the energy to get on the computer. I haven't even been playing my game during the week. Plus, there has been some decent tv that I am now addicted to.

So lets back up. Last saturday I cut my hair. I cut it all off. It was down past my shoulders and now its a super short spikey do. I love it. I still kinda miss my hair being long, but i love this new haircut and everyone seems to like it.

On tuesday, we had a blizzard. Our dogs got out. We only have 1 back. We are missing our baby girls sasha and so it has been a very very sad week at our house. I have cried almost every day and night that she is gone. I was out for 3 hours in the blizzard looking for them both. Our Mojo was found and returned to the humane society. Sasha was The Honey's little baby girl. She's not a lap dog or anything, she's a jack russell/husky mix, so she's medium sized, no fur and skinny, but she was his baby and he is absolutely heartbroken. I am too. It was a bittersweet reunion when we got Mojo back home, because we still are missing Sasha. Lots of tension, stress and tears around our house. We have put up posters and put out as many notifications that we possibly could. Mojo was already 5 miles from home after 1 day. Its day 4 now for Sasha, no telling how far she is. I just hope that she is safe. *breathe* ok, enough crying for this morning.

Work has been busy. Lots of new stuff happening, lots of nobody knowing what the fuck is going on. Just keep plugging along here.

Been doing alright physically. The stress from the dogs being gone had made my neck tighten up. I have been to PT and thats all good. I am still working on losing weight and trying to feel better. I need to make some appointments for doctors and follow up on that crap, but I'll get there, just been too much to do lately.

Seems like most weeks I don't have a minute to breathe by myself. The kids need running here and there, work is busy, the honey is gone, trying to keep up with housework, etc. Never enough time in an hour, a day, a week, a month...

I snapped at the princess last night. I know I shouldn't have, but I did. She hurt my feelings, and I think that all the work, dog, pms stress just broke me. I made a snarky remark. She said it hurt her feelings. I apologized, but she couldn't get over that I hurt her feelings. Never mind that what she said was rude to me. Oh Well. I guess teenagers can work their selfishness. I just let it all get to me last night. Some days its too much for me to just blow off their snarky remarks.

I am contemplating changing my cell phone service, though I don't have any really good reason why other than Verizon has been totally shit in the customer service department. I also get a discount through my company with Cingular/AT&T, and they have Rollover minutes, which Verizon doesn't have. I also like the Simm card. Verizon doesnt have that. You get a new phone, either its $25 for them to transfer your data or you get to type all your numbers and shit in again. Thats stupid if you ask me. My problem is that I was with At&t, they switched to Cingular screwed me to no end, and now they are back to AT&T. Decisions.. but I got a month or so before my contract with Verizon finishes. I am just kinda tired of their shite customer service.

I have been in love with GoldFrapp (band) for quite a while. They are a techno band out of the UK and I have them in my rotation of iTunes. But, for some reason this morning, I had the urge to just play their whole album. They are awesome. I also been busy this morning updating myspace. HA! I really just need to keep myself occupied.

The dog being gone has hit the Honey really hard this morning. He is on the verge of tears. I just dont' know if I can handle that too much cause I am bursting out into spontaneous crying already. This morning, just looking at him and the tears just behind the surface, I lost it. I am trying to be supportive and I understand his emotion. I am having a hard time, but I know that he is having it even more rough than I am.

Plugging along today.. through the weekend....

{Listening to Lovely 2 C U by Goldfrapp}