Monday, April 09, 2007

What? There was a holiday?

I missed it. Things were kinda nuts and we had no Easter. The honey is still on the road, the kids spent most of their day on a plane returning home. Then we spent more time on the road because of weather.

This morning the kids didn't want to get up for school. I think its kinda sucky they didn't get any time back before school, but I didn't make the travel, so I had no control. The roommate took the kids to school, but had a tiff about the princess wearing flip flops. I just can't cope with argument over fucking shoes at 6 in the morning. Like to the point of telling her to change shoes or call a cab. UGH!.. and she's stubborn enough to hold out on that shit, trying to change his mind. God dammit. He's doing me a favor but fucking christ. I guess I will be working late 4 days this week. I dont' know how she's going to get to cheer tomorrow if I do that. Fuck.

Did I mention FUCK!!

So i have therapy today. Which will be good. my neck is sore, but not horrid. I am looking forward to therapy though. Driving in the snow yesterday pretty much tensed me up.

Work will hopefully be slow because not only is the Honey out, but 2 other people are gone as well. Holy shit we will be sooo short handed if its busy.

{Listening to cover of Dave Matthews Band song 'Satellite' bye Mika}
If you haven't listened to Mika, you should. He rocks.