Thursday, January 18, 2007

I almost can't believe it...

Here are things that have shocked me this week:

Snow.. this weekend.. SurFUCKINGprise... this will be weekend 5 ruined by craptacular weather. Hrm. oh well. Its not so much the snow as it is the artic temperatures that freezes your skin immediately.

my neck is still terribly stiff. This is about a full week of almost delibitating stiffness. Unfortunately I still have the pleasure of dragging my ass out of bed to go to work every day and come home, make dinner and deal with the kids, dogs & family. I had therapy on tuesday, did some traction and leg exercises, went home and went to bed. Wednesday i felt better, but still way stiff. Thank goodness the headache was mostly gone, so i functioned pretty well. I couldn't sleep at all last night, finally dozing off around 2. I am Tiiiirrreeed this morning and my neck is super stiff. I am on a low to moderate headache this morning, but can feel that it is not going to get better without getting worse. Maybe the traction will help today. We'll see.

the ex-husband called. from his girlfriends phone. I asked him whose number he was calling from. he says "oh its Heather's" in the back ground, screaming like a stuck pig, i hear "why does she need to know whose phone it is" WTF bitch? holy shit, are we 7? i should buy a calling card and continuously call her stupid ass now that i have her phone number. somethings to think about there. Anyway.. he called, he said he got the princess a phone and the boy his Heely's for xmas and was going to be sending them like next week. At this point, all i give a shit about is that he either give up the goods, or stop bullshitting the kids about giving up the goods. Fucking make good on one single fucking promise for once.

Lindsey Lohan entered rehab. Now, I am a closet celebrity watcher. I dont' actually buy the magazines or track them down, but I read the Entertainment section of the newspaper first thing in the morning and look at Its a sad world when I am totally not surprised by this news. what a train wreck that girl has turned out to be. Not quite as bad as kate moss, but i see a similar future. Sad, she was a good actress as a little girl, now she's a burnout and a wash up at 20. I don't see too many of those make a Drew Barrymore-like comeback. And I just love Drew.

Okay, enough ranting. time to get to work.

{Listening to Route 66 by Brian Setzer Orchestra}