Monday, December 04, 2006


That is what it has been since last week. Damn cold. I think the high has been MAYBE in the 30's. It snowed on saturday some more and then, the weather channel said it was bitterly cold. I think it got up to 0 saturday night. I can't seem to get warm.

I didn't sleep last night, but for a few hours. I am tired today. Had to get a new coffee maker yesterday. That was a challenge. I was almost brought to tears by the death of my Aroma Grande, that Starbucks doesn't make anymore. Ended up getting another Starbucks coffee maker, but its not nearly as easy to use or sexy. Still makes excellent coffee.

Saturday was shopping and i ended up dropping a glass bottle in the middle of the checkout line at Ross. I was mortified, but shopping continued. It snowed all day saturday, which was cold, but gorgeous. I am getting over my fears of driving on the ice, well a little bit. I am no longer confined to the house on days that it snows. I can enjoy the day and get out and do stuff without the fear paralyzing me. Chad drove, but it was a nice day, just the 2 of us.

My neck has plagued me since friday night. I haven't done much, except shopping, and had to drug up for that. Today my neck is very stiff and sore and combined with being tired has given me a headache. I am tired of its inconvenience and have more or less decided to just drug through the rough days and continue with my life. It makes it hard, it makes me grumpy and I snap at everyone, but I think they understand.

Today is another cold one and though there is no snow in the forecast, it is all over the ground. I wish that I had my camera cause the view from work is postcard perfect. Its a golf course, a lake and houses set at the base of the mountain. It is certainly gorgeous, an awesome place to sit and contemplate, if I weren't at work and it wasn't too cold to be outside. Nice to look at during smoke breaks though.

Tomorrow is PT. Still no word from the MRI or the Dr. Need to call the attorney today and stop by there on my way home to give them some papers from my insurance.