Wednesday, March 07, 2007

one week older...

whats going through my head with that title is "another day older and deeper in debt". Thats not exactly how i am feeling, but it was in my head.

Actually, it has been a fairly calm week since I last posted. Work has been busy. I have been going to PT and rushing the kids to and fro. My neck is severely stiff and i can't hardly move my arm at all because it has tightened down into my shoulder blade. At PT yesterday they loosened it up and I muscle relaxed my way to slumberland last night, but it still is really painful and sore. Yet, I am at work. I really want to stick it out today.

The kids are having CSAP testing, which is the colorado version of standardized testing. The princess's schedule is all messed up because of it and I am trying to finagle actually getting her to school for her 10:15 start time. Its just crazy that they don't think about how parents are to get the kids to these classes, just that they better. What a crock of shit, but what can you do. Not like schools think about the impact they have on the families when they make stupid ass decisions like this.

Next week is the rhizotomy. I am nervous for that. The honey has training all week and probably won't be able to take me. The following week he leaves for business for 4 days. That is also going to suck because my whole schedule gets fubar'd. I hate having to switch shifts to take the kiddos to school and what not.

I finally got my TENS machine from physical therapy and boy does that help alot. Its very nice to sit and relax for 15 mins while I have that on. I am bummed that I have been too hurty to do my exercises for the past 2 days, but we'll see. Tomorrow is another day of PT, hopefully I'll not be so stiff and in pain. The biggest thing is that my muscles are just spasming from my shoulder up to my neck. 2 Days of this and its old and annoying and painful. I actually directed the boy through making dinner last night because I couldn't use my left arm without some crazy pain and spasm.

The roommate is all up in arms about the game and what they did to his most powerful character. We ran a quick low level instance last night and he was NOT happy about it. Honestly, I didn't see much difference, however, I do think there would be more noticable difference in a higher end instance. Which is unfortunate, but oh well. I guess I just can't get myself worked up over dmg loss or whatever. It is just a game. I'll play it as long as I have fun. If they need to reduce some characters dmg or threat output to make things even among the classes or whatever, then great, do it. He just tends to obsess about the game and shit. Yes, a true addict. I am not. I can go for days without playing, even weeks and it doesn't bother me to just come back and pick up where I left off. Anyway, I have been having a bit of fun. I have been trying to get my end game dungeon keys and shit like that. Its all very boring and difficult stuff because you have to rely on others to help with this stuff. Getting those others to help when I'm available has been a challenge, so I just wait.

The construction started on the server room to build cubes and such. This is where my new cube will be. I am giving up my office to the Network and System Administrators. This i don't really care about. I am also getting a huge manager's cube. I guess this is fine too. I am more worried about having a lab area to work on machines. Which I get. Sometimes its nice to be the only female voice. They sometimes listen to me more. We had a meeting yesterday. The boss wanted all of us to "brainstorm and research" on worldwide outage notification and how we can manage it for 3K users. So I took 10 mins to google it and see whats out there. We had about an hour to prep for the meeting. I researched some things, just glancing over them to see would they, at the most basic level, meet the vague needs that were provided. We get into the meeting and i am the only one who even looked into it. Fortunately, I had covered the bases that were floating around the boss' head in regard to what he had in mind. The meeting was short because of this. I'm glad of that, but everyone was like "way to go E!, you're a rock star" I am a rock star because I looked into it? HA! excellent. I love that. Remember the rock stardom at review time in 2 months. I think we are still on hold for the 3rd position on the Helpdesk. I still think they are going to want me to manage said Helpdesk. Not that I don't already, cause I mostly do, but I don't have the accountability for it, well not really. Shit falls apart and I was responsible for it, I still have to account, but right now there is a buffer between me and the next boss up and he generally takes the hit for me if he has to, which he doesn't often, but he has. Mostly in dealing with irate people in the wrong. Oh well, not like I haven't managed things before. I guess getting in at the beginning of a world wide helpdesk from the bottom end is good, right? I just worry about losing my technical skills. Will have to keep up with that should management happen. Otherwise, I'm not too worried about it.

{listening to Home Again by Oingo Boingo}