Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Time Flies when you are having fun...

Or when you are just incredibly busy. Work, not fun is what has prevented me from posting lately. Work is on the order of psychotic. 10 laptops to build in a week, specialized installations. Its a blast. Tons of other weirdo problems that have to be dealt with including a mass influx of hardware issues. People being pissy, shit being broke (not my responsibility stuff).

I have generally felt like major doo doo. My neck has been stiff, clear down into my shoulder. I did therapy tuesday and thursday of last week and just couldn't deal with the exercises. I couldn't hold my posture for more than about 5 mins at a time without excruciating pain and stiffness. I kept having to slouch(sp?) just to get a minute of reprieve. My shoulder was dang near immobile because of the stiffness. Therapy did some deep tissue work and this helped some, but man, it was horrible. This crap continued through the weekend and didn't really do much. Stayed with my trusty flexeril most of the time, but that doesn't help when the stiffness and tightness is extreme.

The Honey, the Boy, the Roommate and some friends all went to see 300 in the IMAX. They had a great time. Said the action scenes in the IMAX were amazing. The Princess and I went to see Music and Lyrics. This was a cute chick flick. I will probably buy it on DVD. It wasn't as horrible as the reviews have made it seem, but definately a chick flick.

I played my game some, though I didn't really get much accomplished with my main character. I mostly leveled up some lower level ones. It was fun, but I wish that I could have gotten more done with my main. Unfortunately she is at the point of relying on others to assist. Oh well.

Tomorrow is my rhizotomy. I am somewhat looking forward to it because I am hoping that it will provide more permanent relief of the pain and stiffness. I am also dreading it. I just know that it will be painful for recovering over the next few days. Scheduling work around those days has been not so great because the Honey is at a conference and can't take me or pick me up. I have to have the roommate come pick me up and then have honey and roommate go get my car that night. Oh well, I think that after tomorrow I won't care about much other than the recovery pain. I also have therapy today, which hopefully will do me some good. I cannot take any meds until after my procedure. That is no good. Oh well, i've been living that worse for the last 8 months or so, I can cope with a few more days (hopefully).

Besides all that, the kids have had standardized testing and the Boy is hellaciously sick with some sinus infection. The princess has decided to quit track. They go visit their dad in 2 weeks, for 2 weeks. I am going to miss them terribly. The good news is that he has been pleasant the last few times i've talked to him, but the bitch girlfriend hasn't been around either.


Unknown said...

Sounds like you've got a lot on your plate. Good luck on the rhizotomy (sp?) and hopefully it will provide with you with some much needed pain relief ( and maybe the period after the surgery won't be so bad).