Monday, September 11, 2006


and monday shit hits the fan. more of the same but holy crap am i just swamped and people have their heads up their asses asking me things that are in no way computer related. Yes, i understand it is a web based program. No, i'm sorry, i do not know where the printable tests are for the students or why that particular link is broken. No, it is not recommeneded you delete all of the areas and start over.

I love being busy, and i would prefer they took their time to hire someone good to help me out but today was just crazy.

Went to the celtic festival on saturday. long drive, wore me out on sunday and didn't feel good, but it was worth it. Got some information on custom celtic wedding rings. The Boy had a great time, even though we wouldn't buy him a new sword or dagger. Got about 250 pictures. Will work on blowing some up for wall art. Lots to see and do and Honey got his turkey leg. boy did that make him happy. I had a panic attack because of traffic on the way home and on sunday was migrained out due to my neck.

Today i am feeling better, but still sore. Looking forward to the physical therapy tomorrow. No stayin up late for me. My schedule changed and i'm not looking forward to that since it alternates days. Oh well.

Hopefully tomorrow will be better.. tomorrow has to be better.