Wednesday, September 13, 2006

whats wednesday for?

hump day. therapy yesterday. boy am i sore. I felt better when i left, but now, i am very very sore. didn't get to bed until like 2am because i couldn't get comfortable. watched tv with christopher last night. love house, thought standoff was cool. got the tivo set up. have to buy a homecoming dress for the Princess this weekend. not sure how she will be working that malfunction, but she says she is. did i mention that i am very sore today. man, i was worked over in therapy. when i am doing it, i totally get into it and understand and can actually recognize that this is helpful. the next day, i regret every minute of it. i am so damn sore. my boss asked if i could pull the stick out of my ass. hahaha.. i WISH i could walk like i am not the tin man from wizard of oz. i dont even have red shoes, why am i a cast member? stop the insanity..
oh.. shit.. speaking of stop the insanity, i was watching vh1 and i saw that Susan Powter chick from the 90s stop the insanity horseshit diet program. OMG.. father time has not been kind to that woman. she must be in her early 50's and still has bright pink spikey hair. at what point, do you realize that you are ridiculous and not punk or rebellious or cool? I guess the fact that i will someday be over 50 and have multiple tattoos and the younger generations will think i am just a lame old fogey too. but now is now.. that lady.. she wasn't cool back then, she definately isn't cool now.. vh1 really knows how to dig up the bones from the celebrity closet.

work has calmed down today. things to do. Honey has an interview. I hope it goes well. he needs a job, if not for income but for self esteem. not having a job has gotten to him. good luck, my love.

{listening to shutup by blackeyed peas}