Tuesday, September 12, 2006


what is there to say about a tuesday. it lies after monday, its not close to friday, its just a day that isn't monday or friday or even thursday.. that likes almost friday. nope.. today is tuesday. hopefully work will be a bit calmer than yesterday so i can actually get done some of the work i didn't get done yesterday. man o man yesterday i was psychotic.

the guild merger in my game went through. I am moderately excited about it, though playtime has been cut due to my accident. So many things to do and know and learn. exciting times in game.

i get physical therapy today. i am actually looking forward to it. I also need to schedule a followup dr. appt. got a bill from insurance in the mail for surgery.. couldn't figure out what the hell i had surgery on. it was when they stuck the needle in my knee to remove fluid. Holy shit.. that is classified as surgery? and $300. holy shit, i coulda stole a needle from a herion junkie around the corner from the drs. office and done that myself.. yikes .. $300 what a friggin rip off. oh well.. what can ya do, its the american healthcare system way.

got a tivo. i am excited. haven't set it up yet. looking forward to that... then i can record house and american idol and other stupid shit that i already don't have time to watch...

{listening to Nightingale by Norah Jones}