Friday, August 11, 2006

get your bitch on

{listening to Misdirected Hostility by 311}
I always just put my itunes on random shuffle. some days, it fits perfectly.

its friday.. the mri results aren't in. (duh). still workin pain issues but hesititant to just be on vidodin and valium 24/7. I don't need a habit that requires me to go to the dr.

i am in a pissy mood today. spent the drive to work ranting at Honey about cleaning the house. apparently it wasn't totally unexpected on his part because i yelled at him in my sleep about nonsensical shit, so he says.

can't wait for the pain to really kick in to see what kind of mood i will be in later. gonna be a fabulous friday.

In the meantime, i can be pissed off that Princess still doesn't have her books. Honey is going down to the school today at 2:00 to get all up on's with the stupid people. What an completely fucked up system. they only open the bookstore at 2, and its up to the teachers to let the students go get books. and when the teachers say no, she has no options. WTF.

{listening to Crumblin' Down by John Mellencamp}