Tuesday, August 29, 2006 REFUSES to protect children.

well i have issue with
a user has stolen information from Princess's myspace and put it on an unprotected xanga site and the girl, her parents and xanga all refuse to take the information down.
I have taken to emailing, protesting and spreading the word about xanga's complete inability and unwillingness to help a parent protect a minor child's privacy. The girl on xanga is 12 yrs old, not old enough to hold a xanga account. fucking people are just ridiculous. I have tried to talk to the girl. She refuses to give her phone number so i can call her parent. She claims to not know anything about her xanga account to take it down. Xanga refuses to do anything about it. What a crock of shit. I offered to give them the exact code which needs to be edited off the site. I have given them the site name. Yet, they can't do anything. MY ASS.. ITS PUBLIC INFORMATION. take the shit fucking down. I have emailed 3 different attorney general's offices with my emails to Xanga to remove the information. I will see what they will do after the last email that was sent. I am now promoting the BOYCOTT of and ANY ADVERTISERS that condone and support a site that refuses a simple request of a concerned parent.

i drove today. the new car. i know i haven't posted in a few days. but they have been busy. we got 2 new cars, got out from under the pathfinder and still end up saving like 200/mo on car payments. From 1 car payment to 2, we save 200/mo.. holy crap am i glad to be done with the pathfinder. I drove slow, not sure that i actually hit the speed limit on any road. I was quite scared. I imagine today on the way to PT is going to be even more frightening. Much more traffic than at 5:30am. Then i have to get home from PT. that will be during rush hour. I am already not looking forward to that and catch my breath every time i think about it. this accident has really scared the shit out of me.

i got an 01 mazada millenia. sweet, plush, luxury. Honey, he got a 98 expedition. I don't think he stopped smiling. i think he wanted to sleep in it. i think i haven't seen him that happy since he first picked up sasha (puppy) and she loved on him and wouldn't let him put her down. We put less money down than we anticipated, insurance is going to be reasonable and did i mention we are out from under the pathfinder? I hate that the expedition is a total gas hog, but fortunately, except for taking the kids to school, with 2 cars, we can hopefully save gas on the beast. I will admit to it being a big, huge, comfortable ride. I understand the appeal of those gigantic vehicles now. they are roomy, and that alone makes a gigantic difference. the millenia on the other hand is economical, or about as economical you can get with a mid-sized sedan. I probably could have got some compact car, and boy did it cross my mind, but I absolutely cannot see trying to cram 2 teenagers into a compact car. gas mileage or no, the first fight and someone would get hurt. badly. It is cushy though, cushy cushy cushy.

in addition to new cars, middle sister had her baby. I am extremely sad that i missed it, but happy to have a new little princess with us now. Also, last week, middle sister had to put her dog down due to a stroke. He was old. 14 yrs old. He was the best dog I have ever known. My sister's constant companion since she was 18. She lost and gained a precious soul in the course of a week. We are all very heartbroken about Maxxers. Max gone, Little Princess here. crazy little circle of life week.

Work has been crazy.

Day 2 of PT today. knee, neck and back see temporary relieve from the exercises, but the pain is still pretty much constant. i still can't hardly walk without the brace and my lower back has sharp pain most of the time. My neck is just like a stiff neck all the damn time. worse some days than others, but always a little "catch" on the left side. I stretch or straighten my neck/back and it sounds just like crackling. We'll see what she has for me. I kinda hope not the electrical things again, boy those made me sore.