Friday, February 09, 2007

Fabulous Friday..

Ok, I lied. Its not all that fabulous. Its kinda blah, actually. Been busy at work. Got house work planned for the weekend, got therapy planned for this evening. The Honey is sick, the kids have stuff to do, but i'm making them cancel to help me clean the house. I know its not Spring, but its definately time for spring cleaning... cause I'm the mom and I said so.

My neck "golf ball" is slowing making its appearance again. I guess the rhizotomy is what needs to happen. Its been a week. The pain has subsided considerably, but every day is a new day in determining how its going to react to sitting for a long period or, like today, doing my therapy. I am kinda not anxious about therapy today.

Work has been moderately busy today, but not too bad. Still got a deadline I'm working with customers on, and thats causing major tight scheduling, but oh well, I'm workin' it. We are also releasing a new program next wednesday, but for the people supporting it, we haven't even got to see it yet. Now, we did get some documentation on it, which is a huge improvement over the nothing we usually get, but still I need some answers.

Hopefully cleaning will go fast with the kids helping me and I will get the opportunity to play my game. I am actually having fun again. WOOHOO! I would also like to get out and shoot some pool, but we'll see how that goes.